Archives: ISO & NDIS

Manage my ISO & NDIS system

If you want us to manage my ISO & NDIS system, then it would be our pleasure.

If you have a good system it should run itself.  A management system shouldnt be extra work it should be what you already do.

In some cases, employed compliance workers make extra work for everyone.  We love compliance, we love paperwork, we love process and we love a good register.  But do you know what we love more? Our Customers loving their system, because it is so easy, because it manages itself and because it is no extra work.

Standard Consulting
  • Fixed rate, which means no extra cost.
  • Keep it simple, therefore we don’t overdo your system
  • Flexibility, for instance, a week, a month or a year, its up to you
  • Know how, you want an expert, you got an expert
  • Loyalty, we work for you.
  • Can’t ask the auditor what to do, but you can ask us.
  • We integrate with the way you do things

The tasks we will undertake include:

  • Updating registers and documents
  • Internal Auditing
  • Ensuring legislation is current and followed
  • Project specific inspection, reviews and documentation
  • Assisting certification audits
  • Inspections
  • Management Review Meetings
  • Tender support

For quote

NDIS Standards (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

The NDIS Health and Quality Framework is used by the NDIS Commission to approve NDIS registered providers and their ability to provide services to NDIS participants.

Standard Consulting

Quality and safeguard requirements under the NDIS Commission include:

  • Compliance with the NDIS Code of Conduct, including an orientation module for workers
  • Meeting NDIS Practice Standards
  • Ensuring a complaints system is in place
  • Reporting certain types of incidents to the NDIS Commission, including incidents or allegations of abuse and neglect
  • Complying with requirements in relation to behaviour support plans and the use of restrictive practices. NDIS Standards (National Disability Insurance Scheme) which will be used by NDIS Providers will either have to verify or certify their organisations against these standards.

The NDIS Quality Indicators (Core Module and other Modules) relate to:

  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Governance and Operational Management
  • Provision of Supports
  • Support Provision Environment
  • High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
  • Specialist Behaviour Support
  • Implementing Specialist Behaviour Support Plans
  • Early Childhood Supports
  • Specialised Support Coordination
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation
  • Verification

We will provide your organisation with NDIS Practice Standards Policy and Procedures. The NDIS Health and Quality Framework is used to assess registered providers abilities.  We know the framework like the back of our hands, in other works, we have the answers for you.


Providers need to follow the steps:

If you want to deliver services to NDIS participants you will need to Register with the NDIS.  Once registered, you will need to meet the conditions of registration.  One of the conditions is complying with the NDIS Practice Standards through a Certification or a Verification Audit.  The registration groups you register against and the structure of your organistion outline the audit process you need to achieve.

Our NDIS systems are what you do, therefore we do not provide templates.  In addition, with the policies we develop, we also include the forms, registers, participant communication and reporting formats to meet NDIS reporting.  We give it to you in ‘word’ format in an easy file.  Its yours to keep, we will not stop your access to it.

Most importantly, our Consultants are also Auditors in the NDIS sector.  Equally important, they know what Auditors want to see.

Furthermore, they will explain the standards to you, in your language.

In conlusion, you will pass your audit/verification first time every time.  As a matter of fact, we can also be right by your side during the audit process and advocate on your behalf.

The HSQF – (Health Services Quality Framework) is the quality assurance framework

for assessing and promoting improvement in the quality of human services.

Standard Consulting

The HSQF applies to:

Development & it's services

The HSQF – (Health Services Quality Framework) was developed in collaboration with the non-government sector to maintain important safeguards for people using services while streamlining quality requirements. It incorporates:

  • a set of quality standards, known as the Human Services Quality Standards, which cover the core elements of human service delivery
  • an assessment process to measure the performance of service providers against the standards (assessment occurs at organisation level across all in-scope services)
  • a continuous improvement framework, which supports the participation of people who use services in quality improvement.

Human Services Quality Standards

The Human Services Quality Standards (the standards) set a benchmark for the quality of service provision. Each standard is supported by a set of performance indicators which outline what an organisation will be assessed against in order to show they meet the standard.

The standards cover the core elements for quality service provision, namely:

  • governance and management
  • service access
  • responding to individual need
  • safety, wellbeing and rights
  • feedback, complaints and appeals
  • human resources.

Compliance with the standards

Organisations are able to demonstrate compliance with the standards through one of three methods:

  • Certification under the HSQF – recognition that an organisation has met the requirements of the standard through a process of independent third-party audit.
  • Evidence of certification or accreditation against a set of standards/quality framework approved by the department.
  • Self-assessment.

The method of demonstrating compliance will depend on the type and complexity of services provided, the vulnerability of the people using the services, and where funded by Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors (DCDSS) and/ or the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (DCSYW), the amount of funding investment.

The Human Services Quality Standards are based on the following principles:


Respecting human rights

Services are planned and delivered in a manner that respects and has regard for the individual’s human rights, in keeping with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Social Inclusion

Services are planned and delivered to promote opportunities for people to be included in their communities


People using services are included in decision-making about the service they receive


People using services have the opportunity to make choices about the services, and where and how they received them, within available resources.

ISO 45001 Safety Management Systems and Plans

is an ISO standard for management systems offor occupational health and safety (OH&S), published in March 2018. ISO 45001 is developed to reduce occupational injuries and diseases. The difference between ISO 45001:2018 and OHSAS 18001-

ISO 45001 is intended to replace OHSAS 18001, currently the most widely adopted workplace health and safety standard. At the same time,
ISO has been clear that even though ISO 45001 uses key concepts from OHSAS 18001, it is its own separate standard and not an update.

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ISO points out key differences of ISO 45001 compared to OHSAS 18001 such as:

  • The new standard uses a process-based approach rather than a procedure-based approach.
  • ISO 45001, like other ISO standards, requires understating the organization’s larger context and views of all interested parties.
  • The need to integrate workplace health and safety into daily operations, rather than treating it as a standalone process.

ISO 45001 or not?

Why should I implement an ISO 45001 Safety Management Systems and Plans? Certification can:

  • Send a powerful signal to customers, employees, the public and other stakeholders that you’re committed to workplace safety.
  • Make sure you’re complying with workplace health and safety laws and requirements.
  • Reduce safety incidents and associated costs.
  • Improve overall efficiency and quality of manufacturing processes.

Ensuring all workers return home safe every day will truly transform a business, by boosting employee morale and creating sustainability.

An ISO 45001 OH&S management system

will enable an organisation to improve its OH&S performance by:

  • Developing and implementing an OH&S policy and OH&S objectives
  • Establishing systematic processes which consider its “context” and which take into account its risks and opportunities, and its legal and other requirements
  • Determining the hazards and OH&S risks associated with its activities; seeking to eliminate them, or putting in controls to minimize their potential effects
  • Establishing operational controls to manage its OH&S risks and its legal and other requirements
  • Increasing awareness of its OH&S risks
  • Evaluating its OH&S performance and seeking to improve it, through taking appropriate actions
  • Ensuring workers take an active role in OH&S matters

ISO 14001 (Environment)

is a family of standards related to environmental management that exists to help organizations

Standard Consulting

ISO 14001 is similar to ISO 9001 quality management in that both pertain to the process of how a product is produced, rather than to the product itself. As with ISO 9001, certification is performed by third-party organizations rather than being awarded by ISO directly.

  • minimize how their operations (processes, etc.) negatively affect the environment (i.e. cause adverse changes to air, water, or land);
  • comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements; and
  • continually improve in the above.

Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 defines criteria for an Environmental Management System. It does not state requirements for environmental performance but rather maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective Environmental Management System. It can be used by any organization that wants to improve resource efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce costs. Using ISO 14001 can provide assurance to company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved. ISO 14001 can also be integrated with other management functions and assists companies in meeting their environmental and economic goals.

ISO 14001 , like other ISO standards, is voluntary, with its main aim to assist companies in continually improving their environmental performance and complying with any applicable legislation. The organisation sets its own targets and performance measures, and the standard highlights what an organisation needs to do to meet those goals, and to monitor and measure the situation. The standard does not focus on measures and goals of environmental performance, but of the organisation. The standard can be applied to a variety of levels in the business, from the organizational level down to the product and service level.

Generic management system standard

ISO 14001 (Environment) is known as a generic management system standard, meaning that it is relevant to any organization seeking to improve and manage resources more effectively. This includes:

  • single-site to large multi-national companies
  • high-risk companies to low-risk service organizations
  • the manufacturing, process, and service industries, including local governments
  • all industry sectors, including public and private sectors
  • original equipment manufacturers and their suppliers


Establish objectives and processes required

Prior to implementing ISO 14001 (Environment) , an initial review or gap analysis of the organization’s processes and products is recommended, to assist in identifying all elements of the current operation and, if possible, future operations, that may interact with the environment, termed “environmental aspects.” Environmental aspects can include both direct, such as those used during manufacturing, and indirect, such as raw materials. This review assists the organization in establishing their environmental objectives, goals, and targets (which should ideally be measurable); helps with the development of control and management procedures and processes; and serves to highlight any relevant legal requirement, which can then be built into the policy.


Implement the processes

During this stage, the organization identifies the resources required and works out those members of the organization responsible for the EMS’ implementation and control. This includes establishing procedures and processes, although only one documented procedure is specifically related to operational control. Other procedures are required to foster better management control over elements such as documentation control, emergency preparedness and response, and the education of employees, to ensure that they can competently implement the necessary processes and record results. Communication and participation across all levels of the organization, especially top management, is a vital part of the implementation phase, with the effectiveness of the EMS being dependent on active involvement from all employees.


Measure and monitor the processes and report results

During the “check” stage, performance is monitored and periodically measured to ensure that the organization’s environmental targets and objectives are being met. In addition, internal audits are conducted at planned intervals to ascertain whether the EMS meets the user’s expectations and whether the processes and procedures are being adequately maintained and monitored.


Take action to improve performance of EMS based on results

After the checking stage, a management review is conducted to ensure that the objectives of the EMS are being met, the extent to which they are being met, and that communications are being appropriately managed. Additionally, the review evaluates changing circumstances, such as legal requirements, in order to make recommendations for further improvement of the system. These recommendations are incorporated through continual improvement: plans are renewed or new plans are made, and the EMS moves forward.

Continual Improvement Process (CI)

ISO 14001 encourages a company to continually improve its environmental performance. Apart from the obvious – the reduction in actual and possible negative environmental impacts – this is achieved in three ways:


Business areas increasingly get covered by the implemented EMS.


Activities, products, processes, emissions, resources, etc. increasingly get managed by the implemented EMS.


The structural and organizational framework of the EMS, as well as an accumulation of knowledge in dealing with business-environmental issues, is improved.

Overall, the CI concept expects the organization to gradually move away from merely operational environmental measures towards a more strategic approach on how to deal with environmental challenges.

ISO 9001 Quality management

can improve business, often having a positive effect on investment, market share, sales growth, sales margins, competitive advantage, and avoidance of litigation.

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The standard brings the following benefits:

  • By assessing their context, organizations can define who is affected by their work and what they expect. This enables clearly stated business objectives and the identification of new business opportunities.
  • Organizations can identify and address the risks associated with their organization.
  • By putting customers first, organizations can make sure they consistently meet customer needs and enhance customer satisfaction. This can lead to more repeat customers, new clients and increased business for the organization.
  • Organizations work in a more efficient way as all their processes are aligned and understood by everyone. This increases productivity and efficiency, bringing internal costs down.
  • Organizations will meet necessary statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Organizations can expand into new markets, as some sectors and clients require ISO 9001 before doing business.

Quality Management Systems (QMS)

The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems (QMS) is a set of standards that helps organizations ensure they meet customers and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service. ISO 9000 deals with the fundamentals of quality management systems, including the seven quality management principles that underlie the family of standards.  ISO 9001 deals with the requirements that organizations wishing to meet the standard must fulfill.

Third-party certification bodies provide independent confirmation that organisations meet the requirements of ISO 9001. Over one million organisations worldwide are independently certified, making ISO 9001 one of the most widely used management tools in the world today.

ISO 9001 Quality is known to be a requirement for businesses when tendering for large / governmental work.

Quality Management Principles

In 2012, ISO TC 176 – responsible for ISO 9001 development – celebrated 25 years of implementing ISO 9001, and concluded that it was necessary to create a new QMS model for the next 25 years. They subsequently commenced the official work on creating a revision of ISO 9001, starting with the new QM principles. This moment was considered by important specialists in the field as “beginning of a new era in the development of quality management systems.” As a result of the intensive work from this technical committee, the revised standard ISO 9001:2015 was published by ISO on 23 September 2015. The scope of the standard has not changed; however, the structure and core terms were modified to allow the standard to integrate more easily with other international management systems standards.

The new ISO 9001:2015 management system standard helps ensure that consumers get reliable, desired quality goods and services. This further increases benefits for a business.

The 2015 version is also less prescriptive than its predecessors and focuses on performance. This was achieved by combining the process approach with risk-based thinking and employing the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle at all levels in the organization.

Some of the key changes include:

  • High-Level Structure of 10 clauses is implemented. Now all new standards released by ISO will have this high-level structure
  • Greater emphasis on building a management system suited to each organization’s particular needs
  • A requirement that those at the top of an organization be involved and accountable, aligning quality with wider business strategy
  • Risk-based thinking throughout the standard makes the whole management system a preventive tool and encourages continuous improvement
  • Less prescriptive requirements for documentation: the organisation can now decide what documented information it needs and what format it should be in
  • Alignment with other key management system standards through the use of a common structure and core text
  • Inclusion of Knowledge Management principles
  • Quality Manual & Management representative (MR) are no longer mandatory

The seven quality management principles are:

Customer focus

Organisations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.


Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives.

Engagement of people

People at all levels are the essence of an organisation and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit.

Process approach

A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process.


Improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization.

Evidence-based decision making

Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.

Relationship management

An organisation and its external providers (suppliers, contractors, service providers) are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.

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